I am broadly interested in the fields of labor, health, and demographic economics, mainly in topics related to fertility, migration, population aging, human capital, automation, and labor supply. I am currently working on three projects:
My Parents Are Not Home: Parental Employment and Teenage Fertility (JMP):
This project delves into the impacts of job destruction on teenage fertility and the mechanisms underlying them. I demonstrate that job destruction positively affects teenage fertility, while the effect on adult fertility is reversed. Furthermore, my research highlights that the effects of job destruction on teenagers are both direct and mediated by parents, since within families with teenagers, the incomes of teenage fathers and teenage girls are the most affected by job destruction (download here).
Improvements in Schooling Opportunities and Teenage Fertility (joint with María Padilla-Romo, Cecilia Peluffo, and Mayra Pineda-Torres):
In this project we look at the effects of a large-scale, country-wide, increase in access to high school in Mexico, caused by an unanticipated education reform in 2013. We show that this reform led to more high school enrollment and as a consequence lower teenage fertility rates.
Migration, Return Migration and the Long-Run Effects of Economic Shocks on Crime (joint with Luiz Lima and Erik Figueiredo):
This project examines the role of return migration in disseminating the impacts of Brazil's trade reforms in the 1990s. The unilateral tariff reductions introduced exposed some sectors of the Brazilian economy to foreign competition. This led to the displacement of numerous workers who had previously migrated to industrial and manufacturing hubs. Many of these workers found themselves compelled to return to their places of origin. Our study evaluates the repercussions of this return migration, revealing that crime rates were notably influenced by the return of affected workers.